The next Forum speaker will be:
Kevin Horton
Founder of Institute for Biblical Authority.
will present a message titled: "Aerial Videographic Evidence for the Genesis Flood"
Dr. Horton practiced veterinary medicine on both large and small animals in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana for 20 years. During the last five years of veterinary practice, he answered God's call to church leadership and began reducing his veterinary practice. Over the years he established two churches in the Valley. He served Crossroads Christian Fellowship of Victor, MT as senior pastor for 21 years. He began full-time as director of IBA in the spring of 2018. Dr. Horton has a passion to see God's Word correctly understood and that begins in Genesis. Many Christians compromise on the clear interpretation of the first 11 chapters (of Genesis) as a result of the apparent contradiction between “science” and the Bible. Dr. Horton has observed that the incompatibility between these two worldviews is not science and the Bible. Rather, he observes that an atheistic philosophy has been ruthlessly forced upon much of modern scientific interpretation leading to a facade that science rules over the Bible. In stark contrast, Dr. Horton desires to show how the vast majority of the scientific data strongly supports a solid biblical worldview with no need to compromise on Biblical interpretation. Dr. Horton's work includes unique drone video of geologic formations that reveal strong evidence for the Genesis Flood.
November 12th, 2024 at 7:00 PM
Participate in-person at:
Hastings E-Free Church
2015 N. St. Joseph Av.
Hastings, NE 68901
or Online:
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FOR TRUTH Scheduled on the second Tuesday of odd numbered months (Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov) at 7:00 PM CST |
The Great Plains Genesis Forum team
encourages you to visit a new and unique museum
in Broken Bow, Nebraska - The Boneyard Creation Museum
Connect to the museum for hours of operation.